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Gringuitas en Sudamerica

A few years I studied Spanish for a summer in Costa Rica, and one of the girls I met at my school has become one of my very best friends. We were in Costa Rica at the same time, for the same amount of time (I definitely think this was fate) and we just clicked right away. We had so much fun over those four weeks but unfortunately lived on opposite coasts so we never saw one another. One day, she messaged me saying she was planning a trip to South America and asked if I wanted to join her. My immediate answer was YES! Hands down yes. Did I care that I already had a big trip planned that year? No. Did I care that it would be a stretch financially? Nope! Did I care that I was a maid of honor in my sister's wedding weeks after I got back? Absolutely not! (Sorry Kier) For months we spent hours on the phone together; a mix of catching up and planning for our trip. Although we hadn't seen each other in 5 years I was so excited to meet up and take on another part of the world together
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